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Vintage tapestry - Maskros by MMF

Vintage tapestry, Maskros designed by Märta Måås-Fjetterström in 1928.

Handwoven at Märta Måås-Fjetterström AB. Marked AB MMF.

Measuring  38 x 35 cm.

Maskros is a detail from the larger tapestry Juniblommor, one of Märta Måås-Fjetterström's most time-consuming designs.

Märta Måås-Fjetterström (1873-1941) was considered one of Sweden´s greatest textile artists. She employed talented weavers to create exceptional rugs and tapestries at her studio in Båstad. Her work can be found internationally at museums and institutions, and her studio in Båstad is still active today.

Märta Måås-Fjetterström

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Every piece in our shop could easily belong in our own home. That's our guiding principle. We handpick vintage art, textiles, and lighting, each with a patina that grows finer with age. To care for each item, we collaborate with skilled craftspeople in Sweden—a framing workshop, a seamstress, a lampshade maker, and an electrician. Every piece is unique and lovingly reviewed before we consider selling it.

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